Most of the photos I edit & post are in color, however some photos I do decide to convert to black and white and there are a few reasons why! I don't just choose any old image to make black and white. This is some criteria I consider:

  1. To highlight emotion
  2. To hide "loud" or distracting parts of an image when I want the eye to focus on facial expressions
  3. To accentuate details in an image
  4. When the backlight is sunny and glowy (think of bright sunlight streaming through windows)

Newborn galleries especially usually include black and white images! I love focusing on the emotion that is always evident in newborn sessions. So much love & adoration! I always include both the color version and black and white version in a gallery so you don't have to choose! I personally love black and white pictures, but I think the best black and white images are selected intentionally. When I was a new photography, I used to make so many images black and white because I just wasn't super confident in my skills yet and thought that black and white could make any image look great!

Now that I am a more seasoned photographer, I save black and white for special images that deserve the effect! Below are a few recent black and white favorites!